The Insane Story of How the United Fruit Company Took Over Central America Into the Shadows 18:09 6 months ago 118 726 Далее Скачать
Who Was The Man Behind The Banana Republics Of Central America? | Tropical Iron | Timeline Timeline - World History Documentaries 1:45:09 11 months ago 228 323 Далее Скачать
The Surprising & Glorious days of the United Fruit Company- Golfito, Costa Rica Simply Bananas 9:01 10 years ago 3 260 Далее Скачать
Perspectiva de la Compañía Bananera en Golfito Una Mirada hacia la zona Sur Costa Rica 11:38 8 years ago 6 001 Далее Скачать
Banana Wars: When US Marines Fight For Big Fruit (Documentary) The Great War 24:08 3 years ago 680 575 Далее Скачать
UNITED FRUIT COMPANY 1940s BANANA PRODUCTION FILM 71222 PeriscopeFilm 21:10 9 years ago 48 797 Далее Скачать
How the US Stole Central America (With Bananas) Johnny Harris 26:24 3 years ago 2 374 544 Далее Скачать
The Final Days of the United Fruit Company (Chiquita Bananas) in Golfito, Costa Rica Simply Bananas 13:34 11 years ago 10 986 Далее Скачать
Te lo pensarás dos veces antes de comerte un plátano PlayGround 5:34 6 years ago 292 767 Далее Скачать
Cómo 1 compañía de EEUU hundió a Centroamérica en la pobreza Historia Incomprendida 19:27 2 years ago 858 389 Далее Скачать
The United Fruit Company and the USA in Latin America (The History Boys 16 Clip) George Galloway 2:09 5 years ago 2 050 Далее Скачать
Chiquita's Dark Past: Uncovering the Truth About the United Fruit Company Stephen Meagher 12:46 1 year ago 68 Далее Скачать